Internship & Co-op Placement
The e-Internship program is of unlimited duration (until hiring) and allows remote access (in an e-CRO environment) and on a part-time basis, most of the CRC and CRA tasks performed in all the clinical trials in order to acquire some hands-on experience. This is a major hiring criterion.
Working with remote electronic databases, EDC (Electronic Data Capture) and CTMS (Clinical Trial Management Systems) are other major hiring criteria, as today practically all clinical studies in the industry are made through the web and data is entered directly in the company database, so this experience is another key to successful hiring.
Co-op placement opportunities in our CRO/SMO Access Clinical Research or with partnering companies are provided on competitive basis whenever they arise.
Coaching & mentoring
Students have direct access to instructors who are experienced clinical research professionals. They provide on-line support 7/7 till late evening to answer questions quickly, including holidays. This unique feature allows our students to use every free minute in studying and getting LIVE support during their studies. Our commitment is to provide assistance within 24 hours.
This unlimited support and mentoring does not end with the final exam, but continues during the whole job search process, with job alerts and active referencing to employers, networking assistance, job description analysis and assistance in adapting your CV for every job, advanced coaching on the subjects related to the given job if not studied yet, full preparation for the interviews, including post-interview analysis. This analysis allows you to advance with every interview and not to wonder what went wrong.
The support continues until and even after hiring, i.e. our graduates can get free consultations on complicated issues from our mentors during the first 2 months after starting their first job. This unique service is meant to reduce the new hire stress and ‘save face’ in the new job.
Assistance for Career Change
Career change is an important step and requires a well-informed decision. CRA School has an objective of helping highly qualified professionals in their career reorientation to related fields that fit their competences. Free consultations are provided by phone and Skype, or every week on Tuesdays @ 2:30 PM & Thursdays @ 5:30 PM
CRA School is member of the Access Pharma Group, a non-profit organization, which organizes monthly networking events where seasoned clinical research professionals/pharmaceutical specialists and/or top managers with different professional backgrounds and from different companies speak about their jobs. They present career opportunities in the field of drug development, clinical research, quality assurance and regulatory affairs in the pharmaceutical industry, share their experience and give advice about how to enter this rewarding field.
The objective is to give attendees an opportunity to learn about the different career opportunities in fields related to clinical research and to freely ask questions to knowledgeable professionals to get unbiased answers directly from industry insiders.
To register for the next event, see our News section on the home page.

405 Avenue Ogilvy, unit #101
Montreal, QC, Canada H3N 1M3
(legal address, no admission)
Contact Us
Information : +1 (514) 534-0273
Support 7/7 : +1 (514) 257-3003
By Skype: CRA School Montreal
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