On occasion of the International Clinical Trials Day, a 45% discount is offered now for the Accredited Clinical Research Certification Program CRP 3.0
by CRA School | May 19, 2022 | Articles, Clinical Research, Clinical Research, Clinical Research Coordinator, Clinical Trials, Dentist, IMG, medical writing, MSL, networking, Pharmacist, Regulatory Affairs, Veterinarians | 0 comments
On occasion of May 20, the International Clinical Trials Day, a 45% discount is offered now for the Accredited PG Clinical Research Professionals Certification Program CRP 3.0 till May 31st midnight only.
Promo code for the CRP 3.0 program: ICRACTDAY
Enroll now: https://zcu.io/BEGc
Contact us: info@cra-school.com
This Accredited Post Graduate Program prepares certified professionals for several clinical trials jobs:
– CRC (Clinical Research Coordinators), CTA (Clinical Trial Assistants),
– IH-CRA (In-house CRA), RA (Regulatory Affairs Assistant/Associate)
– CDM (Clinical Data Manager), CPM (Clinical Project Manager), etc.
Unlimited Placement Assistance Till Hired (PATH) included and 3 remote internships to provide the “hands-on” experience, required by law. Unlimited 7/7 LIVE SUPPORT till midnight EST (UCT-5)
Share with friends, who may profit (RN, MD, BDS, DVM, Biologists, Chemists, etc), No license to practice is needed. Book a free 1-hour consultation here.
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