Why are Clinical Trials bound to boom?

Why are clinical trials bound to boom?
New Technology platforms available:
- New therapeutic approaches for biological products(including peptides, RNA, a new generation of antibodies)
- Technological breakthroughs in protein expression systems
- Innovative chemistry platforms with a high potential to generate new families of molecules
- Advanced technologies could significantly improve chemical synthesis productivity (real-time monitoring, purification, fluid analysis, etc.).
- New biological systems with a high added value for translational medicine
- Enabling technologies based on the cellular approach
- New approaches to the drug repositioning
- IT tools to improve
- knowledge management,
- data mining (big data analysis),
- modelling and predictive analytics
- New biomarkers for :
- Predictivity of efficacy or safety;
- Development of surrogate markers;
- Diagnosis of diseases and stratification;
- Monitoring of disease progression.
- personalized medicine
- Validation of new therapeutic targets
New technologies to improve the administration and absorption of drugs:
- The RNA interference(RNAi)
- Administration of new vaccines
- Passage of the blood-brain barrier
- New innovative formulations
- Administration of organic products
- The oral bioavailability of proteins
Instruments or medical devices:
- New imaging technologies applicable in humans or in preclinical models
- Nanotechnologies
- New instruments making substantial improvements to the measures taken (in vivo or in vitro) or for assaying new parameters
- New diagnostic and prognostic approaches to improve the recruitment and monitoring of patients in clinical trials

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